From Site:
Animals in Formalin Preservation, Hunterian Museum, Elaine Duigenan
These photographs are "the work of Elaine Duigenan, from her project 'Mysteries of Generation'. The specimens are from the Hunterian Museum at The Royal College of Surgeons in London - all are from the collection of John Hunter, and were made between 1760 and 1793. There are images of all 3,600 specimens online here - though not the same quality as Elaine's photographs."
`Mysteries of Generation`
Dactylopterus Volitans I
Hippocampus Guttulatus
SurgiCat also holds about 50,000 museum object records. These include full records of the Hunterian Collection of human and comparative anatomy and pathology specimens. SurgiCat also contains records of other anatomical, pathological and zoological specimens as well as historical surgical instruments, paintings and sculptures from the College Museum.
“For me, photography has become an ‘act of preservation’ and objects I focus on become the locators or igniters of memory. The traces and remnants we find in any landscape can spark recognition. They can even invoke a presence.” - Elaine Duigena
*These are just some of the stuff you can find! Definitely worth the visit into these treasure coves.*