Managing Deep-sea Ecosystems at Ocean Basin Scale, Volume 1
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"Drawing directly upon work by the European ATLAS project (2016-20) this Research Topic will explore recent findings and themes emerging as both the marine scientific and management communities embrace assessments of marine ecosystem connectivity, biogeography and function at ocean basin scale. Research and policy development at basin scale has been driven by the realisation that climatic change and anthropogenic impacts are rapidly altering marine ecosystems at the same time as governments seek to promote increased economic output from the marine environment. This broad context sets the considerable challenge and opportunity for marine science, industry, management and policy to shape the frameworks through which this sustainable economic ‘Blue Growth’ can be achieved.
This Research Topic will bring together key advances and approaches relevant to ocean basin-scale research and management. Studies built upon new discoveries from poorly-understood deep ocean ecosystems (e.g. coral, sponge, vent & chemosynthetic fauna) are now highlighting the opportunities for the scientific community to create a new evidence base for long-term management. For example, advances in oceanographic data availability, modelling resolution and a better understanding of larval biology and dispersal are fostering more interdisciplinary partnerships between physicists and biologists to model......cont."