
Deviant Art ~ Alexander Semenov

AKA ~half-scientific

Not sure how I came upon this but it's been in my bookmarks for some time now. Thought I'd share this with you. His profile doesn't say much as to who or what he does. Though the pictures he has taken speak a thousand words from another world I'm sure you'll enjoy. These are just a few random pictures from his deviant account. There are many more and better ones there so do drop by....

Underwater monster by ~half-scientific on deviantART
In his office

Coil by ~half-scientific on deviantART
Nereis pellagica

4 eyes by ~half-scientific on deviantART
Freek polychaeta Pterosyllis finmarchica

It can beat you by ~half-scientific on deviantART
Pharynx of polynoid polychaeta Lepidonotus squamatus

Sea spider by ~half-scientific on deviantART
Sea spider Nymphon grossipes eating bryozoa

Spiked Dulichia by ~half-scientific on deviantART
Amphipoda Dulichia spinosissima always live on it's own stick

Dangerous by ~half-scientific on deviantART
Polychaeta, pharynx of Nephtis sp. And It's alive

"An Embryo" by ~half-scientific on deviantART
Mollusca, Nudibranchia, Dendronotus frondosus

Baaawww by ~half-scientific on deviantART
Crustacea, Amphipoda, Hyperia galba (Parasite of jellyfishes)
White Sea Bilogical Station
