
Into The Deep

"Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth,
and danced the depths on laughter-silvered wings;

downward I've dropped, and joined the tumbling mirth
of sunlit kelp...and golden fish, and done a hundred things
you have not dreamed of....wheeled and soared and swung.....
deep in the dark blue silence.

Hov'ring there........

I've chased the seaward currents along, and flung
myself through footless halls of ocean green.

Down, down, down...the long, delirious burning depths,
I've descended with easy grace......

And while with silent, lifting mind I've trod
the high untrespassed sanctity of the Deep...

...put out my hand, and...... touched the face of God."

--with apologies [and thanks] to John McGee,

author of 'High Flight'


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